By SISSY CUTCHEN/For The Herald — I am wondering how many people know about the Oakridge Art Council’s Weekend Gallery? The gallery, operated by the Oakridge Art Council (AOC) is nestled into the old Pope and Talbot office building at the corner of Hwy 58 and Industrial Park Way. The[Read More…]
George Custer
City Council praises work done to date, though still figuring out how to move forward
By GARY CARL/ For The Herald — Oakridge City Council meeting Thursday, December 16. 2021 Mayor Holsten called the meeting to order at 7 pm and asked Police Chief Martin to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. City Recorder Jackie Simms then called the roll. All councilors[Read More…]
Rob Deharpport’s outdoor report: Willamette Pass Ski Area to open Saturday
By ROB DEHARPPORT/ For The Herald — Willamette Pass Resort Ski Area is planning for a limited opening this Saturday and Sunday Dec 18th and 19th! Conditions at the area consist of deep snow with no base layer. Compacting and grooming is very limited. Only strong skiers and snowboarders should[Read More…]
Cutchen’s budget report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021
This is a reprint of the city administrator’s budget report to the Oakridge City Council. The costs of providing public safety services continues to be a major financial issue for the city. This budget has been prepared on the basis of operating as in past years, basically continuing 24/7 service[Read More…]
Bryan, ‘Sissy’ Cutchen plan to remain in city after his contract ends as city administrator
By DEAN REA/The Herald — Bryan Cutchen likes a challenge. After retiring from the Navy as a rear admiral, the affable 60-year-old and his wife “Sissy” moved to Oakridge where he has served as city administrator since July 15, 2019. He knew about the issue that has plagued the community[Read More…]