Cedar Creek Fire Quick Facts
Size: 122,210 acres
Containment: 38%
Total personnel: 730
Origin: 15 miles E of Oakridge, OR
Cause: Lightning
Start Date: August 1, 2022
Resources: 22 engines; 16 crews; 8 helicopters; 3 heavy equipment
Weather: A weakening cold front will move through this afternoon, resulting in much cooler temperatures and increased northwest winds. Cooler temperatures and higher relative humidity will linger into Tuesday as high pressure rebounds over the Pacific Northwest. Temperatures will be in the upper 60s and lower 70s today, with widespread smoke and haze persisting in the fire area.
Operations: Dry fuels and unseasonably warm temperatures contributed to fire growth in the “slopover” area actively burning along the southern fire edge near Lucas Lake yesterday. Firefighters used water bucket drops from heavy helicopters combined with retardant drops from air tankers again as dozers and Interagency Hotshot Crews worked to construct fireline around this area where fire crossed containment lines. Securing and holding this “slopover” area to prevent impacts to the Highway 58 corridor continues to be the highest priority for fire crews and resources. Additional heavy equipment is arriving today to help with this work. Aerial resources combined with dozers, fire engines, and several Interagency Hotshot Crews will focus today on preventing the fire from spreading south into the Highway 58 corridor.
On the western fire edge, firefighters have begun work to clear and reopen the 24 Road. On the eastern portion of the fire near Charlton Lake, firefighters work to prepare the 4290 Road as a fire control line.
Fire crews continue to patrol and work on suppression repair around other portions of the fire. These repairs include grading roads and removing hazard trees along interior road systems.
Firefighters on the Big Swamp and Potter Fires are nearing completion on the fire suppression repairs to both fires.
Closures: There are closures in effect on the Deschutes National Forest and Willamette National Forest. These closures will remain in place until areas impacted by the fire are surveyed for safety risks and fire crews are able to mitigate these hazards. Please respect Forest closures for firefighter and public safety. Please visit Willamette National Forest and Deschutes National Forest for the most recent closure orders and maps. Pacific Crest Trail hikers should visit pcta.org for current information. There is a Temporary Flight Restriction over the Cedar Creek Fire area. Wildfires are a No Drone Zone – if you fly, we can’t.
Smoke: For current conditions, see Fire.airnow.gov, oakridgeair.org, and LRAPA – Today’s Current Air Quality. Smoke Forecast Outlooks are available at https://outlooks.wildlandfiresmoke.net/outlook.
Evacuations: A map of the evacuation area is available at www.LaneCountyOR.gov/CedarCreek. Sign- up for emergency mobile alerts by going to oralert.gov. Please check with Lane County Sheriff’s Office at 541-682-4150 and Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office at 541-693-6911 for updates and changes.
Online: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8307/ | www.facebook.com/CedarCreekFire2022/ www.tinyurl.com/cedarcreekfireyoutube
| Fire Information Line: 541-201-2335, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM | For Media Inquiries: 541-327-9925 | Email: [email protected]