By DOUG BATES/Editor/The Herald — There is still time — but not much — to vote in Tuesday’s May 18 special election. Although it’s too late for voters to return their ballots by mail, they can still be taken to secure drop boxes, as long as they are deposited there by 8 p.m. Tuesday.
As of Monday, May 17, only 18 percent of Lane County’s 272,158 registered voters had returned ballots in the election.
In Oakridge, the county’s official drop box is at City Hall, near the entrance to the police department at 76435 Ash St. In Lowell the drop box is at City Hall at 107 E. Third St.
Oakridge and Westfir residents have a particularly crowded ballot with five newcomers and one incumbent seeking seats on the Oakridge School Board. Pleasant Hill has three uncontested school board candidates up for election, while Lowell will have one uncontested school board candidate and one two-way race.
In the Oakridge School District, after months of stormy controversy over the superintendent of schools, voters are deciding a trio of two-way races. The outcome could potentially decide the fate of embattled Supt. Reta Doland, who has weathered prolonged criticism from teachers and parents but has so far had school board support.
Oakridge School Board Chairman John Weddle is not seeking re-election to Position 5 on the board. Two Oakridge-Westfir medical professionals on on the ballot for the seat — Clem Pope, an emergency room physician assistant, and Charles “Charlie” Ross, a physician and university professor.
Oakridge board member Tami Edmunds did not file for re-election to her Position 3 seat. It is being sought by candidates Lisa Samuelson, a school bus driver, and Stacy Tindall, a teacher and counselor.
Susan Hardy, a former teacher and Oakridge incumbent in Position 2 on the board, is seeking re-election. She is opposed by August Reed, a certified nursing assistant.
In Lowell, retired teacher James Chapman is seeking re-election to Position 4. He is opposed by Jerry Valencia, owner of a construction company. Jason Prenevost, an electrician, is seeking Position 2, now held by Board Chair Joyce Donnell, who is not seeking re-election. Michael Galvin is unopposed for re-election to his Position 3 seat on the board.
At Pleasant Hill, board member Stephen Hammond, a social worker, is unopposed for re-election. Drew Gottfried, a credit union director, and Rusty Rexius, co-president of a forest byproducts company, are running unopposed for two other positions on the school board.
In all three Highway 58 school districts, the school board positions carry four-year terms.
Voters in Highway 58 communities are also deciding on a pair of races for the Lane Community College board of directors, as well as a position on the board of the Lane Education Service District.
Also on the ballot is a local option tax to support 4-H and Oregon State University Extension programs in Lane County.