By BEN OLSON/For The Herald — I’m writing this on location from my old hometown in Wisconsin. I had a wonderful time at my high school class reunion and saw a number of my old classmates that I haven’t seen since we graduated 50 years ago. I can safely say that no one attending could still fit into their old bell-bottom jeans.
The entertainment calendar for this week is still a little lean but I do believe things will be picking up for fans of live music as we approach the holiday season. At the Dexter Lake Club in downtown Dexter we have, as always, karaoke on Thursday evenings beginning around 6 p.m. The electrified open mic/jam session kicks off about 6:30 p.m. every Sunday, hosted by Brian Chevalier. On Tuesday nights there is an acoustic jam session/open mic beginning at 6:30. This is hosted by Brian and Craig Sorseth. There is no cover charge for any of these events. For details call 541-581-3000.
At the Lion Mountain Bakery in Oakridge, Broken Horn will be on stage doing his song stylings of tunes from the classic era of rock and roll. Shows begin at 11 a.m. and run until 1 p.m. this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 15, 16 and 17. There is no cover charge. Lion Mountain serves breakfast and lunch.
Out here in Wisconsin, I’m on tap to play my guitar at Fitz’s on the Lake this Friday and play bass with Justin Raudebush, an old running buddy of mine, on Saturday at the House of Embers. There are lots of people I need to see on my short trip to my old stomping grounds. I’ll be back with another entertainment report next week. Stay well and keep smiling.
Oakridge musician Ben Olson, entertainment editor and columnist for The Herald, can be reached by email at [email protected]