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ENTERTAINMENT ROUNDUP: Spotlight Project Presents to offer ‘looking back’ show on Sunday

by Doug Bates | Oct 18, 2021 | Arts, Entertainment and Events, Front Page

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spotlight project presents,retrospective showSpotlight Project

By BEN OLSON/For The Herald — Since my last report, I have played a ukulele breakfast show at Myrt & Lucy’s Chat and Chew, joined my old friends Dennis Reifsteck and John G. Hamilton on stage at the Showboat Saloon, played bass with John G. at the Ravina Inn, played bass with the Swing Crew at Dells on Tap, one of the largest craft beer tasting fests in the country and played a solo guitar gig at Fitz’s on the Lake in Okee.

One more week of chasing around in Wisconsin and I’ll be pointing my car west and heading back to Oakridge.

Becky chamberlain

Becky Chamberlain, ‘Spotlight’ host

And speaking of Oakridge, The Spotlight Project Presents will be doing a retrospective show this Sunday, Oct. 24. They’ll be taking a look back at musical performances by Justin Stewart, Stoner, Benny Olson, Kai Botak, Broken Horn, Scott Hitchings, and the Song Dawgz, featuring Gary Battles. Other guests include Sissy Cutchen, Jason Nehmer, Jeff Martin, Kathy Holsten, Doug Bates, Trudy Hammond and Loren Christopher Michaels.

Also featured will be the best of Community Corner with Catrina Davis, Mountain Kids Minute with Averi Rhule and many moments of wonder from the Magic Hands segment.

Your host, as always, is Becky Chamberlain. Showtime is at 7 p.m. You can watch this via live streaming by going to The Spotlight Project Presents on Facebook.

Live music in the Highway 58 corridor is, once again, taking place in Dexter and Oakridge. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday Broken Horn will be playing classic pop and rock tunes at the Lion Mountain Bakery located on Highway 58 in Oakridge. Showtime runs from 11 a.m. to 1 pm. Both breakfast and lunch are served and there is no cover charge.

At the Dexter Lake Club in historic downtown Dexter, karaoke night is every Thursday beginning at 6 p.m. The electric jam session/open mic takes place on Sunday evenings, beginning around 6 p.m., hosted by Brian Chevalier. On Tuesdays, there is an acoustic jam session/open mic, hosted by Brian and Craig Sorseth. That starts at about 6 p.m. There is no cover charge for any of these events. For details call 541-581-3000.

That’s all I’ve got for this week. Next week I’ll be filling you in on where all the Halloween fun will be happening. Till then, stay safe and keep smiling.

Oakridge musician Ben Olson, entertainment editor and columnist for The Herald, can be reached by email at [email protected]


Written by Doug Bates

October 18, 2021

Alpine Stream Construction Highway 58 Oakridge Oregon



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