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Full Suppression Response to Bedrock Fire Underway

by Amy Kelley | Jul 24, 2023 | News Briefs

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Media Contact: Leslie Garcia


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Oakridge, Ore. – July 23, 2023. On the afternoon of July 22, a fire was reported near the Middle Fork Ranger District’s Bedrock Campground. The fire is named the Bedrock Fire and estimated at 300 acres. Fire behavior was active in timber, and Oregon Department of Forestry and US Forest Service firefighters quickly engaged in suppression efforts and point protection on buildings on private land. A Type 2 team is expected to in-brief this evening to manage the fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

“We’re thankful to Oregon Department of Forestry and our partners for assisting in the quick response to this fire,” said Middle Fork District Ranger Molly Juillerat. “We look forward to welcoming the incoming team to manage the fire in this popular recreation area.”

Firefighters worked throughout the night to suppress the fire. The fire is expected to be active again today with the continued hot and dry conditions forecast in the area. Resources working on the fire include 5 engines, 3 hand crews, and various heavy equipment. Additional resources including aircraft are in route.

For the safety of firefighters and the public, visitors are asked to avoid the Fall Creek area. This includes all campgrounds along Fall Creek Road, and surrounding roads. Smoke may be visible from Highway 58 and the towns of Lowell and Jasper.

A reminder to please keep drones out of the surrounding area.  Drones pose a direct safety threat to firefighters on the ground and inhabit aircraft use.

Fire danger level on the Willamette National Forest is ” very high”. Please follow all fire and restrictions currently in effect  https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/willamette/fire. These apply toto all lands within the forest except the Three Sisters, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington, Waldo Lake, and Diamond Peak Wilderness areas.

For updates on the Bedrock Fire visit us on Facebook and Twitter @WillametteNF.

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Written by Amy Kelley

July 24, 2023

Alpine Stream Construction Highway 58 Oakridge Oregon



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