Oakridge Air would like to invite you to an Open House on Monday, April 15th at the Oakridge Industrial Park office building at 48513 Hwy 58. Drop in between 5PM and 7PM to learn more about local programs. There will be booths and information given about home heating upgrades, the community firewood program, chimney sweeps, woodsheds, Firewise, and cleaner indoor air. There will also be refreshments and door prizes. This is a casual event for community members to ask questions and get education on local resources.
Photo caption: Before and after wood stove replacement
The home heating upgrades program started in 2020 as a way to improve the air quality of the community. This program updates older, uncertified wood stoves and replaces them with new, certified stoves. This program also offers other upgrades such as installing ductless heat pumps and small weatherization projects.
Photo caption: Brock’s Wood Lot delivering and stacking wood
The community firewood program was started in 2015 with goals to help community members, and provide affordable, seasoned firewood. Over 80% of sales have gone to residents who are low-income, disabled, or seniors. This firewood, which is below the 20% moisture level content, is processed and delivered straight to the residents home by a local vendor. Meet Brock on Monday or contact Brock’s Wood Lot at [email protected] or 541-782-3422 to place an order.
Oakridge Air also has a program that provides free chimney sweeps. Chimney sweeps are an important maintenance step to ensure your home is ready for the home heating season. They help protect against important health and safety concerns, such as chimney fires. Call the Oakridge Air office at 541-782-3422 and ask for a free chimney sweep. You will be placed on the list and contacted by our vendor to schedule your sweep.
Woodsheds are another important resource to keep wood dry. Dry wood creates a cleaner burn, meaning less smoke is released into the air. These sheds are built by the Oakridge Junior Senior High School woodshop students and are available at no cost for community members who are in need of a shed to store and protect their firewood. To date, we have delivered approximately 65 sheds!
The cleaner indoor air project provided new air filtration systems for the Oakridge schools, library, city hall and the police department. This was done in an effort to create cleaner indoor air spaces for community members, especially during smoke events. This program also partnered with local health clinics to provide air purifiers and filters for individual homes, which are a vital resource in creating cleaner indoor air within the home. If your home has not received an individual home air purifier, contact our office to get on.
The Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative will also be tabling during the open house. You can find out information about programs like Firewise and Fuels Reductions. Assistance with signing up for firewise assessments will be available. Stop by to learn how to reduce fuels around your home and property to be better protected from fire.
Meet our new staff!
Also at this event, you will be able to meet the new hires! August Reed and Aaron Rhule have joined the team and are available for meet and greets! August joined the team in March and is working as the new Outreach Coordinator. She is a Midwest native, who has spent the past nine years immersed in the Oakridge community, fulfilling various roles. With a dedication to aiding others, August has exemplified her passion through her work in healthcare, education, mentoring local youth, and active involvement in community initiatives. She treasures Oakridge for its tight-knit community atmosphere and breathtaking natural surroundings. In her role as Outreach Coordinator, August eagerly anticipates bridging community members with essential resources.
Aaron joined the team in April and is our new Disaster Resilience Coordinator. Aaron will be leading the Oakridge-Westfir Ready group and the Willamette Activity Center Fundraising Group, both projects are important to help our community be more prepared for disasters. Aaron, a native of Oakridge, has deep roots in his community. After serving in the Air Force and working as a Diesel Technician, he is now excited to have an opportunity to work in Oakridge-Westfir. Passionate about educating and preparing the community, he’s dedicated to giving back to the place he loves. Outside of work, he enjoys golf, disc golf, and helping his wife with her local production company.
Written by: Oakridge Air
George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.