Posted on FlashAlert: July 18th, 2022 11:03 AM
The Lane County Sheriff’s Office conducted overtime patrols in the Veneta area around the Oregon Country Fair beginning Wednesday, July 6th and continued through Monday, July 11th. With grant monies provided through Oregon Impact and the Oregon Department of Transportation, the Sheriff’s Office was able to staff 88 hours of overtime patrol and enforcement during the event. Deputies focused on DUII, seatbelt, speeding and prohibited cell phone use. Deputies also assisted Lane Fire Authority with numerous calls for service in the surrounding area.
Activity from Sheriff’s Deputies during the event are as follows:
25 Seatbelt
65 Speeding
8 Driving while suspended/ No license
23 Misc. moving violations (fail to obey stop sign, fail unsafe turn, illegal u-turn, etc)
4 Misc. equipment violations
191 Warnings
1 Warrant Arrest
3 Trespass Complaints
3 Traffic Hazard Complaints
2 Theft Reports
1 Reckless Driving
2 Missing Person Complaints
3 Illegal Camping Complaints
1 Deceased Subject Report
The Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Oregon State Police will be conducting high visibility traffic enforcement patrols in the Veneta area during the Oregon Country Fair, held on July 8th, 9th and 10th, 2022. Deputies and Troopers will be focusing on DUII enforcement, as well as speeding, seat belt and cell phone use violations. Patrols begin Thursday (July 7th) and will continue through Monday (July 11th) as attendees remain in the area at campgrounds. The funding for these patrols is provided to LCSO through two Oregon Department of Transportation Traffic Safety grants administered by the Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association, aimed at reducing the number of vehicle crashes and related injuries. The grants are federally funded grant programs to provide overtime funding to participating Sheriff’s Offices for DUII and traffic enforcement.
Annually, the Oregon Country Fair brings extremely high volumes of vehicle and pedestrian traffic to the area. Due to the resulting congestion in the area surrounding the Oregon Country Fair, speed limits have been reduced and posted as such. Restrictions are also posted for no parking and no U-turns along Hwy 126 and Suttle Rd. in the area.
Drivers attending the event or traveling through the area should anticipate heavy traffic congestion. Flaggers will be present on Hwy 126 (near milepost 45) at the Fair’s main entrance during peak times to control traffic flows through the area.
The Lane County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind drivers to slow down, wear your seat belt and drive sober without distraction.
George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.