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Significant City Council Actions

April 4, 2024 – Regular Session

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Mayor Bryan Cutchen

Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to approve Kristyn Dodge’s application for seat 2 on the budget committee, for a 1 year of a vacated 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2024. Vote: Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the street closure of 1st Street between High and Beech Streets on Saturday, May 4th from 10:30 -12:30pm for the Tree Planting Festival Parade. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve the Community Yard Debris Program memorandum of Understanding with LRAPA and SWS/Oakridge Air and to allow the CA to sign it. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to accept the $5,000 contribution from Travel Lane County and to collaborate with them to apply for an Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Grant for a pump track feasibility study. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to enter the Facebook discussion into the record and have It available online and at city hall. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the letter of opposition and submit it to the Lane County Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Coker (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to temporarily waive fees for Temporary Use Permits and Variances for Mobile Food Vending units until a new ordinance can be established. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the letter of support for the National Parks Service Grant for the Flume Trail Bridge Project. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the letter of support for the Kubota Hometown Proud Community Grant Program for the Diamond View Park Bike Skills Park Project. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to allow the Administration Advisory Committee to help the CA revise and update the TRT Block Grant Application, the TRT Funding Application and the committee application forms. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. After discussion Councilor Hollett rescinded her motion.

Motion: Councilor Hollett moved that Councilors Hollett, Brewer and Kinyon make minor adjustments to the RTMP Funding application with CA input and bring it back to council for review. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion.  Vote: Mayor Cutchen (nay), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 5-1.

Comment: This motion, along with the rescinded one preceding it, displays a lack of trust in our city staff and our committees to do work well within the scope of their responsibilities.  

April 18, 2024 – Regular Session

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Cameren Andersen’s application for seat 6 on the Admin Committee for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to direct staff to utilize the ePermitting program offered by the state for building permits and sign the included IGA. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve the letter of authorization to apply for a community renewable energy program construction grant for the WAC. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved we direct staff to notice the OTA & Parks and Community Service Committee presentation on May 13th as a city council work session. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to award $1000 in TRT funds for the 2024 Tree Planting Festival. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to award $2500 in TRT funds for the 2024 Council for Arts & Culture (OCAC). Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

 Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve renaming the Greenwaters Park Community Building “The Floyd Stalcup Community Building” and approve up to $500 in Parks and/or public works fund to be used to make piques/signs for the building. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve the Police services IGA contract with The City of Westfir for fiscal year 2024-2025, with the 3% increase as drafted. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve the Fire and EMS Services IGA contract with the City of Westfir for fiscal year 2024-2025, with the 3% increase as drafted. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 04-2024, with the language “or the City Administrator” added to the end of section 4.2, after a first reading. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (Aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-2. James-read Resolution 04-2024

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 04-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (nay). Motion passed 5-2. James-read Resolution 04-2024 by title only.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 05-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James -read Resolution 05-2024.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 05-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James- read Resolution 05-2024 by title only.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Resolution 06-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay) Tarman (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James-read Resolution 06-2024.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 06-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (nay), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James-read Resolution 06-2024 by title only.

 Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 07-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (nay). Motion passed 6-1. James-read Resolution 07-2024.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 07-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James-read Resolution 07-2024 by title only.

 Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 08-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (nay). Motion passed 5-2. James-read Resolution 08-2024.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 08-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye) Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye), Hollett (nay), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-2. James-read Resolution 08-2024 by title only.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Resolution 09-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Hollett (nay), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-2. Councilor Kinyon-read Resolution 09-2024.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 09-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 5-2. James-read Resolution 09-2024 by title only.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 10-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James-read Resolution 10-2024.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 10-2024 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 6-1. James-read Resolution 10-2024 by title only.

Comment: All the preceding resolutions repeal and replace the existing resolutions which establish and organize the council committees. The repealed resolutions were adopted in 2023. In this case there was a procedural error made when the council allowed each resolution to be given a second reading by title only. The city Council Rules of Procedure do not allow this unless the vote on the first reading is unanimous. None of these were. These errors will be reconciled at the next regular session. All the resolutions can be found here: Resolutions | Oakridge Oregon

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to allow on Resolutions 04-2024 – 10-2024 that all citizen members who are currently serving on committees that are full will be allowed to remain voting members on the committee until a committee member quits or their term expires, at which point the seat will not be filled. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

* The official city position is determined by a majority vote on a motion. Comments reflect my opinion and the reasoning behind my vote on the motion, however I will support the majority decision.


Community Energy Reliability Program – Solar Feasibility Study Results

The City of Oakridge recently received the results of a solar study to determine if it would be feasible to add solar power to the Willamette Activity Center renovation. This study was funded by a grant from the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE). The study found the WAC would be suitable for a rooftop 125kW solar and battery system, allowing it to have power during natural disasters when the utility grid is down, and reducing the City’s electric bills. In emergencies the building could host an emergency operations center, offer community sheltering and allow community services to continue to operate. This study allowed the city to apply for a $475k ODOE grant to fund the installation of solar.

Upcoming Meetings

City Council – 5/16 6pm

Admin Comm. – 5/22 6pm

Charter Review Comm – 5/23 6pm

Audit Comm – 5/27 5pm

Public Safety Committee – 4/28 6pm

Budget Comm – 5/29 6pm

WAC Subcommittee – 6/3 5:30pm

Budget Comm – 6/3 6pm

City Council & Budget Hearing – 6/6 6pm

Parks & CS Comm. – 6/10 5:30pm

RTMP/TRT – 6/11 – 7pm

OEDAC – 6/12 5pm

Charter Review – 6/13 6pm



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George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.

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