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Significant City Council Actions

June 6, 2024 – Regular Session

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve the $2500 in RTMP Funding for the 2024 Independence Day Festival Fireworks. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-1.

oakridge,covid-19 clinic, vaccinations,bryan cutchen
Mayor Bryan Cutchen

Comment: I remain opposed to pyrotechnic fireworks during fire season. The risk is simply too high. There are other alternatives which could serve to recognize Independence Day, including drone light shows.

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve $3500 in TRT Funding for event banners. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to direct our City Administrator to review the issues mentioned in the meeting and found In the handbook against our union contracts and state and federal law and to present a summary of his findings at the work session that we just scheduled. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 7-0

June 17, 2024 – Regular Session

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to remove the Planning half time position including all wages, PERS and all financial costs that goes with this position. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (nay), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Coker (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion failed 3-3.

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to remove the Parks Seasonal workers in the Parks Department, $20,000. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (nay), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (nay), Coker (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion failed 3-3.

Comment: The two motions above were an effort to reverse decisions made by the Citizen-run Budget Committee and requested by city staff to replace shortfalls made by previous budget cuts. Vol 24-06 Oakridge, OR June – July, 2024

Motion: Councilor Coker moved to cut the volunteer stipend fund from the fire department. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (nay), Kinyon (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion failed 3-3.

Comment: This motion was made to address the pending shortfall created by the expiration of the public safety fee. Volunteer stipends were increased by 50%-100% (depending on qualifications) in 2022.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to reduce the PSF to $15.00 to expire on July 1, 2025. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion.

Amended Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to reduce the PSF to $15.00 and to remove our ambulance service so we can recoup our money that we are losing through the source to offset the PSF. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (nay), Kinyon (nay), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Coker (nay), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion failed 5-1

Comment: This motion recognizes the financial burden of operating our ambulance service, which should be a break-even operation. Instead, it costs the city approximately $500,000 each year, which is almost half the revenue the city receives annually in property tax. While the ambulance is financially unsustainable in its current model, I believe the city needs more time to explore alternatives with Lane County, who is responsible for sourcing and overseeing all ambulance service in the county. The need for a quick response ambulance is too critical to not try. These discussions are underway.

Original motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Coker (nay), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (nay). Motion failed 3-3.

Motion: Mayor Cutchen moved to approve Resolution 13-2024 adopting the approved fiscal year 2024-2025 budget in the amount of $17,093,557 and making the associated appropriations and imposing and categorizing taxes after a 1st reading. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (nay), Bjarnson (nay), Kinyon (nay). Motion failed 2-4.

Comment: The failure of this motion represents your city council’s rejection of the budget proposed by the Budget Committee, comprised of an equal number of citizens and council members. When the citizen’s mandate was clear in proposing this budget, the council majority chose to disregard the citizens’ recommendation in a forum the citizen members had no voice (or vote).

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved that we approve Resolution 14-2024 certifying that the city of Oakridge provides at least four of the public services required to receive State shared revenues, after a 1st reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved that we approve Resolution 15-2024, declaring the City’s election to receive State shared revenues during fiscal year 2024-2025, after a 1st reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved that we approve Resolution 15-2024, declaring the City’s election to receive State shared revenues during fiscal year 2024-2025 after a 2nd reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved that we approve Resolution 16-2024, establishing a public works capital reserve fund after a 1st reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the recommended changes to the city’s fee schedule by approving Res 17-2024 with the public safety fee removed from the fee schedule after a 1st reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (nay), Brewer (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 4-2

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved that we do not approve Ordinance 946, renewing and reducing the public safety fee after a 1st reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vol 24-06 Oakridge, OR June – July, 2024

Comment: Common practice is to put the ordinance up for a vote and let the governing body take a vote to approve or not. I am mystified at the negative motion to “not” approve an ordinance.

Amended Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved that we do not approve Ordinance 946, renewing and reducing the public safety fee after a 1st reading and to cut $213,000 from the police budget. Motion failed due to lack of a 2nd.

Comment: Thankfully this motion failed due to lack of a second. This councilor was seeking to take the entire amount of revenue lost from the public safety fee non-renewal out of the police department, when the fee revenue was divided evenly between police and fire/EMS.

Original Motion: Vote: Mayor Cutchen (nay), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman

(nay). Motion passed 4-2.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Ordinance 947 after a 1st reading. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 6-0

James-read Ordinance 947

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve an[d] adopt Ordinance 947 after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Comment: Ordinance 947 will increase the tax charged to fuel dealers in the City of Oakridge from $0.03 to $0.045. This additional revenue will all be applied to the Street Fund.

June 20, 2024 Special Session

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to eliminate the .5 FTE in the planning department in the general fund reducing general fund appropriations by $33,445. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Coker (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 4-2

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved that we eliminate a half time FTE in the administration department. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Councilor Kinyon- withdrew her motion to restate it.

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to eliminate a .5 FTE from the admin department to be adjusted at the CA’s discretion from the work sheet. No second. Motion died.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to eliminate the .5 FTE police officer from the general fund reducing appropriations by $79,779. Mayor Cutchen seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (nay), Kinyon (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye); Motion failed 3-3.

Comment: This motion was proposed by staff to save funds as one of their employees had requested being reduced to half-time. I do not have an explanation for those who voted against it.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to eliminate a .5 FTE fire/ EMT position from the general fund, reducing appropriations by $79,778. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. After discussion Councilor Tarman withdrew his motion.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved we reduce line 53 of the Fire/EMS budget for overtime wages to $427,109, reducing appropriations by $13,166. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion passed

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to reduce line 21 of the Parks Budget for seasonal workers to $0, reducing general fund appropriations by $20,000. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (nay), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 4-2

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to reduce line 113 of the Fire/EMS budget for the vehicle reserve fund to $0, reducing appropriations by $6,612. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-1

Vol 24-06 Oakridge, OR June – July, 2024

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved we reduce line 88 of the Fire/EMS budget for seasonal workers to $140,000,reducing appropriations by $60,000. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (nay), Brewer (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (nay), Tarman (aye). Motion failed 3-3.

Motion: Mayor Cutchen moved to take the amount not recovered yet in the reduction of expenditures and divide it evenly between Police and Fire/EMS and reduce M & S appropriations by that amount. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion.

Amended Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to direct the CA to reduce the following departments or funds by $139,777 that includes administration, planning, police, library, parks, WAC and municipal court and emergency services. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (nay), Kinyon (aye), Coker (nay), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (nay). Motion failed 3-3.

Original motion vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (nay), Kinyon (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (nay). Motion failed 3-3.

Motion: Mayor Cutchen moved to have the city administrator reduce personnel appropriations across all departments and all funds by $139,777. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion.

Amended Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to take out a loan from the water fund in the amount of $139,777, the amount of the shortfall, to be paid back within one year. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (nay), Coker (nay), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion failed 3-3.

Comment: The motion for a loan was an attempt to apply a short-term band aid to a critical long-term issue, which is, that our expenditures exceed our revenue. Borrowing from a fund which is operating correctly is not a solution. Until the city addresses the ambulance issue, our general fund budget will not be balanced without loans from other funds and grant revenues.

Original motion vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 13-2024 adopting the approved fiscal year 2024-2025 budget in the amount of $17,093,582 and making the associated appropriations and imposing and categorizing taxes after a 1st reading. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (nay). Motion passed 5-1.

Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve and adopt Resolution 17-2024, after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Comment: Resolution 17-2024 is the fee schedule for 2024-2025 which had to go to a 2nd reading since it did not pass unanimously last session.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to direct the City Administrator in coordination with the city attorney and pro tem finance director to conduct an analysis of the FY 23-24 vacation buyouts, usage, accrual and carryovers to determine if any overpayments were made using the guidance contained in the City of Oakridge employee handbook or cognizant collective bargaining agreement. And if it is determined overpayments were made, develop a plan to recoup those funds. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 7-0.

Comment: This work will be delayed until a permanent finance director has been hired.

June 24, 2024 Special Session

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved that we approve and adopt Resolution 13-2024, approving and adopting the approved fiscal year 2024-2025 budget as amended by council in the amount of $17,093,582 and making the associated appropriations and imposing and categorizing taxes, after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (nay), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Coker (aye). Motion passed 5-1

Motion: Mayor Cutchen moved to shift all fire department budget revenues and expenditures from the EMS Fund to under the general fund as a department and leave all ambulance transportation related revenues and expenditures in the EMS Fund. Personnel expenditures, administrative overhead and fuel costs should be apportioned at the equivalent ratio of fire calls vs. EMS calls. Councilor Coker seconded the motion.

Tarman (aye), Brewer (nay), Coker (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Kinyon (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye}. Motion failed 3-3.

Comment: This motion was made to increase transparency, making it easier to show the actual costs vs. revenue of operating the ambulance service. The current budget structure lumps fire and EMS together making it difficult to quickly determine the operating loss of the ambulance service. As you can see from the vote, this transparency was not desired.

July 18, 2024 Regular Session

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve and adopt the Fiscal Year 22-23 Audit Report Plan of Action letter, to be signed by the Mayor and filed with the Oregon Secretary of State. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve and adopt the Fiscal Year 22-23 Audit Report Plan of Action letter, to be signed by the Mayor and filed with the Oregon Secretary of State. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Ordinance 945, renewing the franchise agreement with Hunter Communications, after a 1st reading. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye). Motion passed 6-0.

Motion: Councilor Tarman moved that we approve and adopt Ordinance 945, renewing the franchise agreement with Hunter Communications, after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0

Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Resolution 19-2024, referring a STAR Voting Ordinance to voters in November, after a first reading. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-1.

Comment: As you can see by my vote, I am not a supporter of STAR voting. More importantly, I’m not a supporter of the way this resolution reached the city council. The Charter Review Subcommittee, on their own initiative, chose to bring this initiative forward. I considered proposing a change to our voting method to be outside the scope of their responsibilities assigned. This should have been brought forward by a citizen petition if there was a grassroots desire to change our voting system, not by a small group of ardent proponents of STAR voting. But since the council majority chose to send it to the ballot, the onus is upon the city to ensure the citizens have the information they need to be informed not only about STAR voting, but all the other voting systems available, including the plurality system in place now, and why it should be changed.

* The official city position is determined by a majority vote on a motion. Comments reflect my opinion and the reasoning behind my vote on the motion, however I will support the majority decision.

Budget Process

In June the city wrapped up itsbudget process, adopting the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget on June 24, 2024. The process to draft, review and adopt the budget is:

  1. The city staff meets to review the upcoming fiscal year estimated revenues and expenditures and determine how to best support the strategic plan and direction given by the city council.
  1. The budget officer (the CA) along with the finance director, compiles this into a proposed budget.
  1. The budget committee, comprised of all city councilors and mayor and an equal number of citizens, reviews, makes changes and forwards a proposed budget to the city council.
  1. A public hearing is noticed and held to receive public comment on the budget.
  1. After receiving public comment, the city council reviews and makes any needed changes prior to adopting the budget.
  1. The budget must be adopted by June 30th each year.


Upcoming Meetings

City Council – 9/5 6pm

Parks & CS Comm. – 9/9 5:30pm

Library Board – 9/10 5:15pm

City Council – 9/19 6pm

Town Hall Meeting – 9/21 3pm

Audit Comm – 9/23 5pm

Public Safety Committee – 9/24 6pm

RTMP/TRT – 9/24 – 7pm


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George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.

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