Media Contact: Jennifer O’Leary Risdal
(541) 731-0390
Jennifer.O’[email protected]
McKenzie Bridge, Ore., – June 2, 2023. Although there has been no fire growth, efforts continue to improve GPS mapping of the W-470 Fire, which is estimated at 72 acres. Of that burned area, about 50 acres are within the initial prescribed burn unit. With the assistance of additional firefighting resources brought in on Wednesday and Thursday, fire spread was slowed to approximately 22 acres outside the burn unit perimeter.
Officials will offer a community meeting tomorrow, June 3 at 3pm at McKenzie River School, 51187 Blue River Dr, Vida, OR 97488. A recording of the meeting will be posted on the Willamette National Forest Facebook page following the meeting.
Over 100 firefighters including engines, crews and a helicopter remain engaged in suppression efforts as part of planned contingencies for the prescribed burn. Crews have completed fire line along the southern flank and are constructing line around the two spot fires that occurred to the northeast and southeast of the initial prescribed burn perimeter. On the western edge along Powers Creek, crews are further securing line that was originally used as part of the perimeter for the burn unit. Helicopter water drops have been assisting firefighters on the northern edge of the fire area where the terrain is steep and fire line construction is challenging. No structures are threatened by the fire.
The prescribed burn unit is part of a forest treatment area designed to reduce hazardous fuels in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) surrounding McKenzie Bridge. Those treatments including thinning and prescribed burning reduce the potential wildfire risk to residents and private structures in the area.
A portion of Frissell Trail was within the prescribed burn perimeter and some burned fuels will be visible from the trail. No other recreation impacts have resulted from the fire. Residents and visitors will continue to see and smell smoke near the fire area and should be cautious with increased fire traffic along Highway 126.
A closure for the area was already in effect for the helicopter thinning work being conducted.
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