Significant City Council Actions
February 1, 2024 – Regular Session
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Dylan Samples application for seat 5 on the Parks & Community Services Committee for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (nay), Brewer (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay). Motion passed 4-2
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to approve Tom Lyons application for seat 6 on the Parks & Community Services Committee, for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-1
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Jeri Reed’s application for seat 5 on the Administration Advisory Committee for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Jeri Reed was not present at the meeting.
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Chris Winchesters application for seat 6 on the Administration Advisory Committee for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Marty Scott’s application for seat 5 on the Public Safety Committee for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026.Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Brenna Chrisman’s application for seat 6 on the Budget Committee for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026.Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Terry Deloach’s application for seat 6 on the Library Board for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Mary “Tera” Rivera’s application for seat 5 on the OEDAC, for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Councilor Hollett expressed how disappointed she is that Jason Nehmer wasn’t appointed to the Parks & Community Services Committee. He has done so much; she would like to rescind her vote for Dylan Sample. Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to rescind the committee appointment for Dylan Sample to the Parks & Community Services Committee. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Comment: Overlooking the significant procedural error of a councilor attempting to rescind their vote once the motion has been voted upon and announced, it is unorthodox for a councilor to vote in favor of an individual to join a committee then move to remove them and appoint another. It also exposes the city to the risk of a discrimination complaint. As the chair, I erred in not correcting this during the meeting.
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to appoint Jason Nehmer to the Parks & Community Services Committee as a renewal. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Amended Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Jason Nehmers application for seat 5 on the Parks & Community Services Committee for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Coker (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to allow the City Administrator to continue exploring a possible partnership with the University of Oregon Sustainable City Year Program and report back to the council. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to waive the rental fees of the Greenwaters Park Community Building for the Dogs of Valor program on Friday nights from 5:00-6:00 pm through the end of March. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 5-1
Comment: In addition to once again approving a fee waiver (the second round for this requester), the organization had yet to hold a session which might have provided feedback on the effectiveness of the program.
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved that the City Administrator is authorized by the Oakridge City Council to continue to seek funding opportunities for development of improvements to the Oakridge Industrial Park, including applying for the Semiconductor Industrial Lands Loan Program. Mayor Cutchen seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 6-0
February 15, 2024 – Regular Session
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to approve Annie Brown’s application for seat 5 on the Library Board, for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Randolph Beers’ application for seat 6 on the Planning Commission for a 4-year term expiring at the end of December 2027. Vote: Brewer (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Jeri Reed’s application for seat 5 on the Administration Advisory Committee for a 3-year term expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Pam Bowles’ application for seat 6 on the Administration Advisory Committee for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the draft letter of support for Lane County’s application for an EPA Community Change Grant. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to approve Sweetvine Cafe’s liquor License application, recommending that OLCC issue the business a liquor license pending additional information. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved we direct staff to install at least four speed humps on School Street. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion.
Councilor Tarman- rescinded the motion.
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to follow the TSP and work with Safe Routes to Schools to come up with a better design plan. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion.Vote: Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to allow the Fire Department to apply for a FEMA “Assistance to Firefighters Grant’. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to allow UBRA to place their signs on our” Welcome to Oakridge” signs on each end of town. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve Resolution 02-2024 after a first reading. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve and adopt Resolution 02-2024, after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 5-0
Comment: Resolution 02-2024 limits liability for the city for personal injury or property damage while using a trail which is located on a public easement or unimproved rights-of-way. This was recommended by the League of Oregon Cities and the city insurance company considering the 2023 appellate decision in Fields vs. City of Newport.
March 7, 2024 Regular Session/ Executive Session
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Jude Anderson’s application for seat 1 on the Planning Commission for a 4-year term, expiring at the end of December 2027. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve Jude Anderson’s application for seat 6 on the OEDAC, for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Mayor Cutchen moved to approve Jude Anderson’s application for seat 3 on the Administration Advisory Committee, for a 3-year term, expiring at the end of December 2026, contingent on the passage of allowing out of city residents. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Hollett (nay), Bjarnson (nay), Kinyon (nay). Motion passed 4-3
Comment: It is curious that three councilors considered this citizen fit to serve on two other committees yet unfit to serve on a third committee.
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve removing Linda Dunham from the Budget Committee. Councilor Kinyon seconded. Vote: Mayor Cutchen {aye), Hollett {aye), Tarman {aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer {aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to advise the CA to reject the offer on 48372 Commercial Street and have a conversation to explain why. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson {aye), Coker (aye), Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve $50,000 in funding to participate in the University of Oregon Sustainable City Year Program. Councilor Hollett seconded the motion. Vote: Tarman {aye), Brewer {nay), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (nay). Motion passed 4-2, Councilor Bjarnson lost connection.
Comment: Sustainable City Year Program provides tremendous support to cities. Unfortunately, the city is not in a position to fund a $50,000 program therefore I supported the staff recommendation and opposed this motion.
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the OLCC alcohol permit for the Oregon 200 Race. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 6-0
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve the renewal of the MOU contract with RAIN for the next 2 fiscal years. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to require that $6,000 of TRT funds be set aside for the TRT Block grant program for each fiscal year, beginning in fiscal year 24-25. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to approve allowing WeRSharp to temporarily rent space in the WAC kitchen for food storage for $250 per month, pending fulfilling the insurance requirement discussed during this meeting. Councilor Coker seconded the motion.
Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (nay), Brewer (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-2
Comment: Why councilors would be opposed to renting out the WAC kitchen on a temporary basis to an organization which directly helps local citizens in need through free food distribution is inexplicable unless some personal bias was involved.
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved that we approve the pt reading of the Resolution 03-2024, adopting the Supplemental Budget #2 for FY 2023-2024, after changing the “Resource” descriptions on lines 3 and 4 of the EMS Fund Budget changes to “Reimbursement” for FY 23 Expenditures. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-0.
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved that we approve and adopt Resolution 03-2024, after a 2nd reading by title only. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 5-0
March 21, 2024 Regular Session
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to allow citizens to donate their minutes during public comment. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Hollett (aye), Kinyon (aye), Coker (aye), Tarman (nay), Mayor Cutchen (nay). Motion passed 5-2
Comment: Public comment provides an opportunity for citizens to express their views to the governing body on a particular subject. Comment periods are limited to three minutes in accordance with the Oakridge Council Rules of Procedure. A citizen’s three minutes is for them to express their individual opinion, not cede their time to another to extend their opportunity to comment. This is unfair to all citizens. Most governing bodies prohibit donating public comment time to other people. The councilor who sponsored this motion cited precedent, however precedent is not an excuse for flawed policy.
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to appoint Loren Michaels to the WAC Subcommittee. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Brewer (aye), Tarman (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve the alcohol permit and street closure requests for the Keg & Cask Festival on August 10, 2024. Councilor Coker seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Coker (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Tarman moved to allow the CA to draft and sign a contract to allow Loren Michaels to temporarily use the WAC stage in exchange for curtains and professional services. Mayor Cutchen seconded the motion. Vote: Mayor Cutchen (aye), Hollett (nay), Tarman (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Kinyon (aye), Coker (nay), Brewer (nay). Motion failed 3-4
Motion: Councilor Hollett moved to have the CA draft a contract to allow Loren Michaels to temporarily use the WAC stage in exchange for curtains and professional services and to bring the contract back to council for approval. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Brewer (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye), Tarman (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Coker (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Comment: This is an example of council overreach. The terms of the contract were clearly stated in the agenda bill. We have hired our city administrator to run the business of the city. This motion demonstrates a lack of faith in our city staff and is an impediment to conducting business efficiently. There are much more significant issues the city council should be dealing with other then approving this simple, short term contract.
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve Oakridge Pharmacy’s OLCC Alcohol Permit application. Councilor Brewer seconded. Vote: Tarman (aye), Brewer (aye), Coker (aye), Hollett (aye), Bjarnson (aye), Kinyon (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye). Motion passed 7-0.
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to move all Budget Committee Meetings to 7pm. Councilor Tarman seconded the motion. Vote: Hollett (nay), Tarman (aye), Coker (nay), Brewer (nay), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Bjarnson (nay), Kinyon (aye). Motion failed 3-4
Comment: Participation in city committees and the ballot box are the primary means citizens to have a voice in local government. This motion was brought forward to increase the ability of working citizens to participate in the committee meetings (in this case, the vice chairperson of the Budget Committee). The outcome of this vote was disappointing.
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to approve the appeal process for Nancy Kelly. Motion died due to lack of a 2nd.
Motion: Councilor Brewer moved to approve allowing the CA to renew the OIP lease with the Oregon State Police with the 5% increase. Councilor Kinyon seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 7-0
Motion: Councilor Kinyon moved to allow the city staff to apply for the RARE program and apply for the DEQ TMDL grant to fund half of the cost of a RARE member, and to use $13,000 of OIP funds to pay for the remaining cost of a RARE member. Councilor Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: Bjarnson (aye), Tarman (aye), Coker (aye), Brewer (aye), Mayor Cutchen (aye), Kinyon (aye), Hollett (aye). Motion passed 7-0
* The official city position is determined by a majority vote on a motion. Comments reflects my opinion and the reasoning behind my vote on the motion, however I will support the majority decision.
George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.