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Outdoor Report: Cold temperatures are maintaining a healthy snowpack for recreators and summer water levels

by Matt-Oakley-scaled | Jan 28, 2025 | Front Page, Outdoors

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Rob DeHarpport photo

Willamette Pass Ski slopes as viewed from Shelter Cove Resort on Odell Lake.

By ROB DEHARPPORT/for The Herald  —  As the first month of 2025 winds down, we can be thankful for the clear blue sky and a solid snowpack so far this winter.

Clear and cold weather have been the two key words for January. I looked back at the official Snotel snow gauge daily reports this morning. Amazingly, we have retained nearly all of the snowpack that made ski resorts smile from November and December. This is despite the fact that we’ve seen virtually no snow since the first of the year. On January 2nd the Snow Guage at Crescent Lake reported 46″. That has been the peak so far.

Our first measurable snowfall occurred on November 1st. Today we have 43″ of snow at Crescent Lake. That reflects the cold temperatures that we have experienced this month.

Rob DeHarpport photo

Crescent Creek below my place on Monday Jan. 27th.

Temperatures in the morning have often dipped below zero with early morning temps regularly reading in the single digits. Portland may set a record for dry days in January this week. The record is 17 days. It looks like that record will at least be tied this week before the rain begins again.

More good news for skiers and snowmobilers is on the way. If the forecasts are correct, we could see another foot or two of fresh powder begin to arrive and continue until mid-week next week.

Willamette Pass Ski Area has been busy with this season’s early and strong snowfall. I’m sure the other ski areas have been busy and happy as well. Walker Rim Riders snowmobile club has been grooming all of the trails and removing trees that have fallen across the trails. The same can be said for the new Two Rivers Activity Club that was created last year. The Two Rivers Activity Club now maintains the snowmobile trails around the Two Rivers development and Chemult area, which took a bit of the workload off of the Walker Rim grooming team.

The first day of Spring is March 20th, less than two months away! Opening day for fishing most Cascade lakes will be on April 22nd. Only three months away! But who’s counting?

Ice fishing has been decent for some anglers at Diamond Lake. I haven’t seen many other ice fishing reports. As always, be safe when venturing onto ice covered waters. Ice cover can be deceiving and should be checked for thickness before venturing out onto the ice.

Be sure to report your hunting success or lack of success to ODFW prior to applying for controlled tags for 2025.

Enjoy the cold and clear weather while it lasts. A change in the weather is just around the corner, with Spring not too far away!


Written by Matt-Oakley-scaled

January 28, 2025

Alpine Stream Construction Highway 58 Oakridge Oregon



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