McKenzie Bridge, Ore., – June 7, 2023. The W-470 Fire is 90% contained. Mop up is nearly complete on the 80-acre fire, which includes approximately 50 acres of the initial prescribed burn unit. Firefighters continue to complete suppression repair activities and secure the remaining 10% of containment needed on the northern edge of the fire in steep, rocky ground.
On May 30, firefighters responded quickly to suppress two spot fires that developed outside the burn unit’s perimeter. Since then more than 100 firefighters, multiple engines and helicopters assisted in suppression efforts. The fire did not threaten any structures although a portion of Frissell Trail was impacted by low intensity fire.
“All of our prescribed burns include contingency planning, which is essential, especially in the heavy timber here along the west side of the Cascades where spot fires are not unexpected,” said Dave Warnack, forest supervisor for the Willamette National Forest. “The additional resources allowed us to safely suppress the fire, and we’ll apply what we learn from this experience to future prescribed fires planned across the forest.”
The W-470 prescribed burn unit is one of several units in a forest treatment project designed to reduce hazardous fuels in the wildland urban interface surrounding the community of McKenzie Bridge. Additional treatments including thinning and prescribed burning are planned as part of a dedicated focus on reducing the potential wildfire risk to residents and private structures in the area.
An existing closure for helicopter thinning in the area remains in effect.
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