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WESTFIR CITY COUNCIL May 6: New water and sewer rates to take affect

by George Custer | May 8, 2024 | Front Page

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Westfir’s Office Covered Bridge is still in continuous use. Several state and Federal agencies brought it back to life after years of neglect.

By JOY KINGSBURY/for The Herald  —  The City of Westfir received an unexpectedly larger amount of money than usual from Lane County’s Rural Tourism Marketing Plan (RTMP) and allocated the funds through a supplemental budget to make use of that fund.

New water/sewer rates explained

The Council adopted resolution No. 550 to set water and sewer rates.

Monthly Rate Charges listed here are for Base Rates:

3/4″ line to detached residential, 1-7000 gallons $54.00. Business or combination business/residential 1-7000 gallons, $64.00

Individual detached dwelling, business, or any combination of business and dwelling, 7,001-12,000 gallons will be charged $5.00 per 1000 gallons. For increments of 1000 gallons, $00.005 per gallon.

Over 12,000 gallons will be charged $10.00 per 1 ,000 gallons and in increments of 1000 gallons, $00.010 per gallon.

Unoccupied homes are charged at a rate of $25.00 per month.

Unoccupied Businesses and business/residential combinations will be charged $35.00 per month.

Sewer service base rate per month

Additional winter flat rate for 7,001-12,000 gallons.

12,000 gallons and over




Oakridge/Westfir Fire Department has four recruits. Trevver D’Auteuil, an EMT/Firefighter, lives in Oakridge. April Skinner, an EMT, also lives in Oakridge. Krista Button, who has some previous medical experience, lives in Hazeldell, and Gabriel Eggart, who is new to fire service, lives in Oakridge as well. The Fire Department is delighted to welcome these volunteers. The four have already completed a total of 16 hours of classroom and practical training that was done in the month of March.

Westfir contracts with Oakridge for fire and police services

There were seven incidents in Westfir in March. Four of which were Code 4, meaning that when officers responded to the call, that there was no danger at the present time. Westfir has agreed to contract with the City of Oakridge for fire protection for the fiscal year 2024/2025. The contract amount will cost the city $38,1 10.00, or $9,527.50 per quarter.

Westfir will also contract with Oakridge for police services for the fiscal year2024/2025, in the amount of $61 ,800.OO or $15,450.00 per quarter.

City plans to apply for DEQ funding

The City is proposing to apply to the Department of Environmental Quality’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The amount that will be requested will be to cover a twenty-year plan to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System to determine the required capabilities of the City’s wastewater system. Also, funds would be used to connect with portions of the downtown area that are currently served by septic systems. A portion would also be used to plan for anticipated future growth. Civil West Engineering Services, Westfirs’ current engineering consultants, could provide that scope of services.

There were no archaeological findings at The Boat Launch at Turtle Island Park. Mayor D’Lynn Williams will contact the Oregon State Marine Board representative with an update and a plan to apply for reimbursement of funds.

Gaga ball pit play comes to Westfir park

Amber Meske has offered to donate a Gaga Ball Pit for the kids use in the park. The kids would furnish their own balls. Gaga Ball is played in an octagonal pit using hands only to hit the ball. There are rules to the game and the last person remaining in the pit is the winner. It is a fun and less dangerous version of dodgeball. Amber, who is a physical education teacher has offered to help supervise. Sounds like fun!

In public comment, Dee Sidwell, Oakridge resident, requested funding from the RTMP Fund for the Oakridge Council for Arts and Culture to host a Plein Air Paint-Out in July. The event would run the entire month. The event will feature monthly workshops and cultural activities which Dee predicts will draw people from outside the area. Westfir Council will oblige with funding after the beginning of next fiscal year.

City Council meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 5:30 PM at Westfir City Hall. Meetings are open to the public. There is a sign-up sheet for public comment available.

Joy Kingsbury photo

Joy Kingsbury is an Oakridge resident and regular contributor to The Herald.

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George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.


Written by George Custer

May 8, 2024

Alpine Stream Construction Highway 58 Oakridge Oregon



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