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WESTFIR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/05: Emergency services a top priority

by George Custer | Dec 7, 2022 | Front Page

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Westfir City Hall

By JOY KINGSBURY/for The Herald  —  Oakridge has approved research and study on emergency services to find a way to maintain ambulance, EMT, and fire services.  The study will cost $9,000.  Westfir and Hazeldell will each contribute $1,000 toward the fee for the study to analyze the three existing districts. This study will produce a report along with a combined analysis, looking for a way to affordably furnish fire, ambulance and EMT services to our area. Westfir and Hazeldell will need to approve the study.

Ambulance service a “must have” for area

Oakridge Fire Department has an ambulance service area with Lane County.  It is a priority to maintain ambulance and EMT services in this area.  One concern is the lack of funds in the three local departments.  Moreover, the study will help the communities make informed decisions.  The first item of business for the study is to determine what funds may be available and each will receive reports and decide what is best for their jurisdiction.  Westfir Council approved the study.

Councilor Packard is looking into costs and plans for a Fire Station on land that the Mill Site has offered to donate to the City of Westfir.

New City Engineer on board

Mayor D’Lynn Williams introduced new hire, Matt Wadlington, engineer for the City of Westfir. Wadlington will use available maps of the water, sewer lines, and hydrants for the City as a guide to tour City’s facilities in January with City Public Works Director Bobby Archer.

Barking dogs could be costly problem for Westfir

Westfir has had problems with vicious and barking dogs. Barking dogs have been keeping people awake and are complaining. There will be discussion with Oakridge Police about enforcement of a noise ordinance.  However, two separate complaints about the same noise must be recorded for the same time period.  However, Oakridge P.D. noise complaints responded to at night would have to be paid by Westfir, billed for two hours minimum.  Police will not respond to non-emergency calls late nights  without payment.  Councilor Packard asked about physical violence episodes and how they are handled.  Chief Martin said that it could result in anything from a fine to jail time, depending on the violation.

Disc golf tournament receives RTMP funds

Jason Nehmer, made a request for Room Tax Marketing Program (RTMP) funds for the Middle Fork Open Disc Golf Tournament 2023. Nehmer asked for $2,500 and was granted  $1,250.00 to be allocated to the event. If there is extra money at the end of the fiscal year, council may give more. There will be camping on the mill site for the event taking place in late July.  They are expecting about a dozen campers.  Entry Fees range from $40-65.00. Also,  the event is well publicized and rooms and B&B facilities in the area are filled by the attendees. Councilor Bishop suggested a discussion about events in Westfir as they relate to the residents of Westfir, since Westfir is small and citizens are concerned. Council will take up the matter of codes for commercial operations.

Residential water leak gets partial forgiveness

Council entertained a request for a water bill reduction due to an unusual undetected leak.  Sherrie Moritz, resident, had an underground leak that resulted in a large water bill. She had the leak repaired immediately as soon as she knew about it.  Bobby Archer, public Works Director and Water Master, spoke up to say that this leak was an “Act of God”. He recommended a reduction for Ms. Moritz. He noted the water went back into the ground and not into the sewer system. Council ruled Ms. Moritz will pay $100.00 over her normal $52.00 bill, and the balance will be forgiven.

Councilors signed Christmas cards, which will wish the recipients a Merry Christmas.

Council approved Election Results for Mayor and two Councilors.  The newly elected will be sworn in January 2023 at the regular monthly meeting.

Mayor Williams put forth employee evaluation forms to help with upcoming evaluations. The Council approved the use of these forms for the beginning of the New Year.

The Council adjourned to go into Executive session to review and evaluate the job performance of a chief executive officer, other officers, employees, and staff.

Mayor Williams reconvened the meeting.

City staff get performance and COLA increases

Lastly, Mayor moved that staff members Nicole Tritton and Bobby Archer receive a cola increase of 3%, and each will receive a 3% performance increase.  Also, Tony Schlaugh will receive a 3% cola increase and a 1% performance increase. Motion was approved.

All City Council meetings are open to the public and take place on the first Monday of each month at 5:00 PM at Westfir City Hall.  There is a hybrid form of attending on Zoom with information to join available on the Westfir City website.

Joy Kingsbury photo

Joy Kingsbury is an Oakridge resident and regular contributor to The Herald.


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George Custer lives in Oakridge with his wife Sayre. George is a former smokejumper from his hometown of Cave Junction, a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. and ran a construction company in Southern California. George assumed the volunteer duties as the Editor of the Highway 58 Herald in 2022. He loves riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, building all things wood, and playing drums on the weekends in his office.


Written by George Custer

December 7, 2022

Alpine Stream Construction Highway 58 Oakridge Oregon



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