By JULIA SHUMWAY and ALEX BAUMHARDT/Oregon Capital Chronicle -- Oregon legislators will return to Salem on Tuesday morning with a long list of policies to change and pet projects to fund, and 35 days to do it all. Job training is top of mind for most lawmakers and...
Highway 58 Herald ARCHIVES
Month: January 2022
Oakridge district imposes policy of no food or beverages at school sports events
In response to Oregon's ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases, the Oakridge School District has announced a ban on food and beverages for spectators at school athletic events. Friday's announcement, posted on the district's website, also contains a stern reminder that at...
County to consider adding eight deputies to sheriff’s office during Tuesday meeting
By DEAN REA/Editor/The Herald—Eight deputies will be added to the Lane County Sheriff’s Office if Lane County commissioners approve funding for the project during their Tuesday meeting. Five deputies would be assigned to the emergency response force, two as detectives...
Hills Creek Dam one of two on Willamette getting federal infrastructure funding
By KAREN RICHARDS/KLCC News -- Oregon’s Army Corps of Engineers has learned which projects will be funded from the federal infrastructure bill. Two major dams in the Willamette Valley are among them. Cougar Dam sits on the McKenzie River upstream of Eugene and Hills...
An old ‘watchdog’ with a bit of bite moves up Highway 58 to edit Herald
I’m an old “watchdog” with a bit of bite. Just volunteered to continue helping inform folks about what’s going on in their Highway 58 communities, especially about how their city, county, state and federal representatives as “serving” them rather than special...
COVID update: Oregon reaches 6,000 deaths, cases expected to peak Tuesday
By APRIL ERHLICH/Oregon Public Broadcasting -- More than 6,000 Oregonians have died of COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic, as of this week. But state health experts said there’s hope on the horizon as case numbers begin to plateau in some areas. At a press...
Alsea superintendent, board will defy mask mandate, forgo school funding
By ALEX BAUMHARDT/Oregon Capital Chronicle -- Despite losing some federal relief money, Alsea School District leaders say they will disregard Covid mandates and allow students and staff to forgo masks when they return to school buildings on Monday, Jan. 31....
ODOT wants to hear from Oregon residents about use of $400 million in ‘flexible’ federal funds
By PETER WONG/Oregon Capital Bureau -- Oregon transportation officials want to hear from the public about how the state should spend more than $400 million in “flexible funds” from the federal government over the next five years. The $400 million is part of the $1.2...
Keeping children safe from abuse: Oakridge 90by30 strategy has many facets
By SUSAN HARDY/For The Herald -- Current statistics show that 52 percent of Lane County children have experienced at least one type of physical assault by an adult.Despite having spent the last two years in a pandemic, the East Lane Region of 90by30 continues to...
News Release from Lane Co. Government Posted on FlashAlert: January 26th, 2022 2:28 PM Total Cases: 47,205 (+693) 7-day rate per 100k: 1,331.3 Hospitalized: 73 (+10) ICU: 19 (+4) of the 33 Deaths: 403 (+36)* *Please note, these deaths did not occur within the last 24...
Rob DeHarpport’s outdoor report: Not much new snow on the mountains, but ice fishing is great!
By ROB DeHARPPORT/For The Herald -- As January is soon to be in our rear-view mirror, our winter recreation forecast at the moment has taken a bleak turn. Recent long-range weather forecasts have been predicting more moisture and snow in the Cascades. Those forecasts...
Kristof bid for governor supported by two former secretaries of state
By JIM REDDEN/Oregon Capital Bureau Two Democrats who served as Oregon Secretary of State are formally supporting Nick Kristof's eligibility to run for Oregon governor from the same party. Bill Bradbury and Jeanne Atkins supported Kristof in court briefs filed on...
The Herald: find us on your phone too!
The heading of this article may seem like an obvious statement. However, I've interviewed a number of locals who are not sure how to read or contact us when they're away from their home computer. You may also have a number of friends who are unaware that anyone with a...
News Release from Lane Co. Government Posted on FlashAlert: January 26th, 2022, 8:00 AM The 2021–2022 Lane County budget document has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This is the highest...